
turn, turn, turn

I wanted to share that through some hard times recently we have made the decision to move. I love this apartment/house we have, I love the big spacious rooms, the view of the bay, the convenient location, the fabulous appliances and the memories we have here. Sometimes you just need to face facts. We were doing okay before I stopped work, but since the money has been spread thin, we just can't afford to stay. Sometime next month we will be moving into a cute little basement apartment in Joel's aunt's house, and I am excited, anxious, stressed, and apprehensive about it. It's farther away still from all of my family. Not by much, but there is a certain Cape Cod mind frame that can't comprehend distances of more than 20 minutes. So I can expect to see less and less of the people I already see so little of. There are other certain hitches in the plan, like scrambling to find a portable washing machine, the daunting task of having to sell like half of what we own because most of it won't fit, and can anyone point me in the right direction of having my desktop computer become wireless capable?

But all in all, this is a good thing. We will have a quaint little two bedroom (!!) place that is clean, quiet, and under the care of family. We will have a beautifully landscaped yard next to the bike trail and be able to save some money. The plan is for Joel to go to school this fall and get this really great job that I won't elaborate on just yet, but then our next living situation could possibly turn into our first home. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. I hate moving more than anything, I've only done it twice in my life so you can imagine the amount of CRAP I have accumulated over the years. I come from a long line of pack rats and find it hard to let go of things. "but I might need that someday!" often comes spewing out of my mouth. But I am excited to purge a lot of junk and make this happen.

Isaac's first birthday party is on the 21st here, and it will be the last great shindig at this house, the first place we lived in together on our own as a married couple, as a family. I get sentimental about this sort of thing so it will be bittersweet. Changes! They are upon us.