We've started slowly introducing solids to the babe, to his delight:

It's bittersweet for me though, I have this fear that he will love it so much that he won't want me anymore. I didn't think I'd be so attached to nursing but I am. But he's a very hungry little man, showing all the signs of being ready and I can't deny him that. Parenting is a fine line between doing what you know is best for the child while still fulfilling your needs. Jenn told me that the hardest part about having kids is when they don't need you anymore. I think she's right.
Our power went out for a while last night. Transformers on our street are always blowing up, so its nothing new. It was kind of fun, we lit a bunch of candles and played in the dark & stuff. It was Isaac's first exposure to candles so he was ooooing and ahhhing at them. When the power came back it was a little disappointing. We turned everything off again. It was nice.
Meanwhile, we left out D-Con for the meeses last night and the buggers devoured every last bit. They had eaten the peanut butter off the traps and got away unscathed! But not this time, fools. I don't like killing animals. I used to have mice as pets. I have nothing against them except that they think it's acceptable to shite on and around my eating utensils. I live by the live and let live type philosophy, but geez. Go back to where you came from and leave me be, ya dig?
1 comment:
HAHAHAHAHA, you crack me up!! I'm the same, I love animals, all animals, I can't even kill a bug.
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