And here you see probably the only photo that exists of all five of us. My mom usually is the one taking the picture, or my parents trade off, so niether of them end up in it together. But here we are.
Also, I got a new camera. Canon A590. It's pretty amazing and I love it a lot. Its' features are very manual and realistic to a good old 35mm. For some reason my pictures are still coming out quite noisy though. I'm sure there's a combo of settings that will correct that and I just need to get used to it.
Yesterday we got our christmas tree, put it up and decorated. Also I went out and in one swoop got everything for christmas shopping done. Pretty happy about that. Isaac is so freakin spoiled. I can't wait til he'll really know whats going on. Old Navy has the besssssst baby clothes right now, I had to stop myself from buying like each and every outfit in each and every size. Geez. Anyways, here is him in some new jammies by the tree today.
Now to try and get some much needed sleeeeeeep.
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