My brother will be here in a week, flying in from Arizona for his 30th birthday. It's been a year since we've seen him, 2 years since we've seen his wonderful kids and I am so amazingly excited for him to meet my little boy. I think they'll love each other. He came out last year for my birthday, but I was secretly preggers and couldn't have much fun with everyone. This time will be awesome.
Sir Isaac has sprouted two teeth, the bottom front ones. The two top ones are well on their way as well, you can barely feel the corner of the right one. I think by tomorrow they'll have officially busted through. I wanna know what his damn rush is, 5 months old with 4 teeth already?! Not to mention the fact that he's mere weeks away from full-out crawling, evidenced by his tumble off the bed this morning. My fault, don't wanna talk about it because I get shakes and shivers of the classic worst case scenario mom variety, of broken necks and brain damage. But he's fine. He's a tough little guy.
Thanksgiving was rather blase, it was nice to cook with my mom and have the baby there and stuff. But my dad was having an "off day" which meant him falling asleep in his plate of food, mumbling nonsense and generally being the ghost in the room while everyone else tried to awkwardly converse. My mom said if he wasn't better in the morning that she'd take him to the hospital but I never got a phone call so I assume he's okay. It is that time of year for dad to be in the hospital afterall. Lets make it through til Christmas, alright?
a very tired, very happy little family.
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